


Infant Radiant Warmer

Build a safe neonatal surgical emergency place to effectively save the rescue time of emergency diseases

  • Three control modesPre-warm mode, manual mode and baby mode control by micro-computer

  • Separate displaySet Temperature and skin temperature can be displayed separately

  • Stainless steelMain body is made of stainless steel

  • Bilirubin treatmentDouble sides phototherapy radiant box

  • Acrylic glassAcrylic glass bassinet

  • APGAR timerEquipped with APGAR timer

  • Alarm indicationsMultiple failure alarm indications

  • RS-232 connectorRS-232 connector for data output

宜宾市| 厦门市| 黑河市| 浦北县| 宽城| 福清市| 霸州市| 平昌县| 黑山县| 兴城市| 乌兰浩特市| 交城县| 修文县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 陆良县| 土默特左旗| 石渠县| 馆陶县| 蚌埠市| 溆浦县| 灵山县| 大竹县| 大姚县| 西吉县| 包头市| 黔西| 油尖旺区| 翼城县| 汉沽区| 来安县| 丰宁| 北流市| 灯塔市| 金阳县| 涡阳县| 伊宁县| 平顶山市| 顺平县| 双辽市| 格尔木市| 武鸣县|