


Infant Radiant Warmer

Build a safe neonatal surgical emergency place to effectively save the rescue time of emergency diseases

  • Three control modesPre-warm mode, manual mode and baby mode control by micro-computer

  • LCD screenThe information can be stored, checked and indicated by the LCD display screen

  • Alarm indicationsMultiple failure alarm indications

  • Adjustable angleHorizontal angle of warmer module and inclination of the bassinet can be adjusted

  • Flexible panelsThe panels around bassinet can be turned outward and dissembled

  • Silicon mattressSilicon mattress can be heated with temperature control system

  • Bilirubin treatmentBlue LED bilirubin phototherapy unit

  • APGAR timerEquipped with APGAR timer

  • Adjustable heightVertical height adjustment (VHA) stand

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